Paragard Lawsuits Are Being Filed

Paragard, the popular, non-hormonal intrauterine device (IUD), has surfaced as the cause of multiple injuries in the patients who used them. With injuries ranging from organ scarring to infertility, victims of these seriously flawed devices, are filing lawsuits against their manufacturer in an effort to recover some of their economic losses, as well as to be compensated for pain and suffering and other damages.

If you suffered an injury connected to your use of the Paragard intrauterine device (IUD), the legal team at Tosi Law LLP will fight for your right to recover damages. Call us today at (888) 312-2518 for a free case review and consultation.

Paragard Background

Second in popularity only to oral contraception (“the pill”), IUD birth control devices are a popular form of reversible contraception, especially among women between the ages of 25 and 44, according to a Planned Parenthood study.

The Paragard IUD was approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 1984. Manufactured by Teva Pharmaceuticals, the non-hormonal, copper device thwarts pregnancy by causing a toxic reaction in the uterine that affects both sperm and eggs.

The IUD's popularity rides on its claimed 99-percent effectiveness at pregnancy prevention, as well as a design that offers 10-year protection against pregnancies.

Paragard's Side Effects

Although Paragard use results in pregnancy for only one percent of the women who use it, when a pregnancy does occur, it is at higher risk for manifesting as ectopic, meaning the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube, or elsewhere outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies can be fatal to the mother if untreated, due to the excessive bleeding that accompanies the condition, or could result in infertility.

Other side effects from Paragard include:

  • Cramps
  • Severe menstrual pain
  • Bleeding between menstrual cycles
  • Heavy bleeding

Risks of the Paragard IUD Moving

It is also possible that your body can expel the Paragard IUD. The following conditions make this possibility more likely:

  • You are under 25 years of age
  • You have never been pregnant
  • Your IUD was inserted when you were still healing from vaginal delivery
  • You previously had an IUD that you expelled
  • You experience prolonged or heavy periods
  • You suffer from severe menstrual pain

Signs That Your Paragard IUD Has Moved

  • You or your partner experience painful sex
  • You can sense the device in your vagina or being situated at your cervix
  • The IUD string is either longer, missing, or uneven
  • You experience intense bleeding or post-sexual intercourse bleeding

Complications from a Migrated or Expelled IUD

A displaced or expelled IUD not only increases your chance of pregnancy, but also may possibly cause serious complications. The following complications are typically associated with an IUD that has moved:

  • Infection
  • Anemia or heavy bleeding
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Perforated uterus

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

IUD-related pelvic inflammatory disease results from infection in the fallopian tubes, uterus, and other organs close to the uterus, a condition that can result in infertility, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and death.

Brain Tumor

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is yet another serious complication from a migrating Paragard IUD. This brain condition may present the following effects:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Migraines
  • Disorientation
  • Chronic headaches
  • Blindness

Symptoms That Should Prompt a Medical Visit

Paragard IUDs can trigger pelvic infections that can cause infertility or chronic pain. It is vital that you see immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever you cannot explain
  • Pelvic pain that gets increasingly worse
  • Symptoms or signs associated with being pregnant
  • Vaginal discharge that is foul-smelling
  • Possibility of being exposed to an STI
  • Unusually heavy bleeding

Complications That Occur During Removal of the Paragard IUD

Many women decide to have their Paragard IUDs removed, either due to the unpleasant, prolonged symptoms, serious complications, or because they no longer want to prevent a pregnancy. Unfortunately, removal of these devices imposes their own risks.


IUD removal can cause serious injuries that result from the devices breaking, fracturing during the process of extracting them from the patient. According to the FDA, when pieces break off, physicians will need to perform surgery to locate and remove them. In some cases, a hysterectomy may be required.

Getting Stuck

In other situations, the Paragard IUD becomes lodged in the uterus, requiring surgery for retrieval.

Perforating the Uterus

Both the insertion and removal of a Paragard IUD have been reported to cause perforation of the uterus in some patients. Perforation can cause scarring, infection, and/or damage to other organs in the vicinity of the uterus.

Liability of Paragard IUD Manufacturers

Medical device manufacturers, like Teva Pharmaceuticals, can be held liable for injuries caused by their products, especially if they fail to warn users of the health and safety risks their devices present. Although the Paragard website does refer to the possibility for difficulty in removing the device, other potential injuries associated with the IUD are not included in this warning.

This failure to warn, combined with increasing medical concerns about the risks that Paragard poses to women who uses it, has prompted a growing number of lawsuits from women who have suffered injuries from the IUD.

Legal Settlements for Past Problems with IUDs

Lawsuits against IUD manufacturers are nothing new. According to Newsweek, a product called Dalkon Shield was launched in the U.S. in the 1960s. The device was promoted as being a safe and effective alternative to other forms of contraception. Soon, it was revealed that the IUD was causing pelvic infections. In 1974—eighteen and several hysterectomies later—the manufacturers pulled the product from shelves.

Lawsuits soon followed, resulting in 200,000 settlements and the creation of a victim trust fund in the amount of $3 billion.

IUDs lost their appeal for many years after these well publicized injuries, until Paragard, approved in 1984, hit the U.S. market.

Getting Help with Your Paragard IUD Lawsuit

If you suffered injury, or a loved one died as the result of using Paragard IUDs, you have the right to pursue compensation for your losses. A lawsuit against the manufacturer can cover your medical expenses, lost income, and other damages, as well as compensate you for pain and injury, mental anguish, etc.

The legal team at Tosi Law LLP will champion your right to recover damages related to your use of the Paragard IUD. Call us today at (888) 312-2518 for a free case review and consultation.

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